Press (sometimes more than once, until it separates in those small objects.If selecting nodes this way does not work, and you see only short nodes when hovering over your design with your cursor, you can try the following:.Select 'Edit paths by nodes'-tool either by pressing or selecting it from the toolbox (below the cursor) and select your object twice (selecting: holding down the left mouse button and drawing a frame around your object).Sometimes it is easier to just drag your workpiece out of the frame and then you can delete the rest. Note that this will separate every distinct element in your file, so if you’re importing text, this text may be separated by character, or even parts of inaccurately-rendered characters. For larger documents, this can take a few seconds. Sometimes you need to do this more than one time until it looks like in the screenshot below.

Select the document with the selection tool (upper left corner, looks like a black cursor or press ).

Although Origin is not designed to accept DXF files, you can use Inkscape to convert some of your two-dimensional data into an SVG file that is cuttable with Origin. The DXF file format is a CAD file format that was designed to produce an exact representation of AutoCad DWF files.