Set up notepad++ spell check
Set up notepad++ spell check

mlx to replace there so copy-paste the changed TextEdit text to BBedit and save in BBedit. Gramarly works with TextEdit so can offer spellcheck and grammar check. according to the destination platform, using a software such as Notepad++.

set up notepad++ spell check

Done! Similarly, one could copy-paste from BBedit into TextEdit with Grammarly. You can configure both the spellchecker and the language dictionaries to use. After fixing all the comments, copy paste that document back in the BBedit window and save. Once done, Word will offer spelling and grammar check of all comments and code and flag unrecognized variable names and mispelling and questoable grammar in the comments. go to plugins > dspellcheck, select your required language from change current language and make sure that spell check document automatically is enabled, as seen at the screenshot below. Al this can be done by walking thru each underlined word that is correct and adding it to the dictionary. (Perhaps this could be done en masse using the MathWorks reference function list.) You must also add to the dictionary various xml markup that Word finds foreign. In word, you will have to 1-time add the corretly spelled MATLAB commands to the dictionary. A workflow to do spell checking and grammar without unzipping and rezipping is to open with BBedit the xml file as described above, and then copy paste this file into a Word doc.

Set up notepad++ spell check